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At a Desk All Day? Consider Treatment for Neck Pain

Written By ChiroConcepts of Allen on August 10, 2019

Man with neck pain If you work predominantly at a laptop or PC all day, you have undoubtedly felt the tension and discomfort this position can cause. Staying in a seated, typing environment full time can actually contribute to a plethora of health problems, including an increased risk for obesity and heart-related issues.

At Chiro Concepts of Allen, we want you to feel your best – at work, at play, and anywhere! If you are already experiencing pain, we encourage you to contact us quickly to come up with a treatment plan that will combat your neck pain while not taking too much time away from your work.

If your job is giving you a pain in the neck, come see us – we can help.

Posture, Position & Pain

Have you ever taken inventory of your regular posture while sitting at your desk? If not, this simple review could reap lasting rewards for your ongoing neck discomfort.

Experts suggest that to promote the best-seated position, you should ensure that your monitor screen is level with your line of vision and you are not contorting your neck upwards or downwards to adequately view your workspace.

Further, it helps promote regular balance and posture to switch to a standing position now and then. If you are able, take advantage of opportunities to move your laptop or work area such that you can stand for part of the day. Also, frequent breaks – and walks outside – are known to do wonders for those who are bound to full-time desk work.

Lastly, regular chiropractic care is safe, drug-free way to control the pain that comes along with full-time typing or working at a computer screen. Spinal manipulation and restorative therapies are all available at Chiro Care of Allen, and this investment in your health is only a phone call away.

To schedule your first appointment and consultation, please call Chiro Concepts of Allen today: 469-305-0782

Posted In: Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment