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Can A Chiropractor Help After a Sports Injury?

Written By ChiroConcepts of Allen on April 6, 2020

Sports Injury Treatment in Allen TexasWith the growing popularity of healthy living, more and more Americans are now engaging in physical activities such as sports. But with this increase comes the rise of sports-related injuries. It’s estimated that about 8.6 million sports injuries are reported every year. 

But did you know that most of these injuries can be treated with chiropractic care?

7 Common Sports Injuries That Chiropractic Care Can Treat

There are two main types of sports injuries – acute and chronic injuries. Acute injuries occur suddenly, while chronic injuries develop over time due to repeated overuse of joints. 

Some of the common sports injuries that we come across include:

  • Sprains: Tearing of ligaments. 
  • Strains: Tearing of the tendons (thick, fibrous cords of tissue that connect the bones to muscles). 
  • Knee injuries: These are injuries that interfere with how the knee joint moves. They range from overstretches to a tear in the knee tissues.
  • Swollen muscles: This is the natural reaction to an injury. It’s usually painful and sore.  
  • Achilles tendonitis: This is an injury that occurs when the Achilles tendon (located at the back of the ankle) breaks, causing a sharp pain in the heel.
  • Dislocation: This occurs when bones in the joints are forced out of position. 
  • Rotator cuff injury: A tear in the tendons around the shoulder joints, causing a dull ache.

Once you get these sports injuries, see your chiropractor as soon as possible and limit your physical activity to prevent further damage. 

Chiropractic for Sports Injuries: What’s Involved? 

On your first visit, your chiropractor will ask several questions related to your condition and run specialized tests to determine which tissues are affected. This will help them develop the most effective treatment plan for you.

Chiropractors are trained healthcare professionals skilled in making manual adjustments of the spine or joints to ensure your bones are accurately aligned and balanced, relieving tension in the body. Essentially, oxygen and nutrient-rich fluids will be able to flow freely to injured parts to promote self-healing. 

What’s more, chiropractic for sports injuries improves your range of motion and reduces your risk of getting another injury, boosting your performance on the track or field.

Drug-Free Sports Injury Treatment in Allen 

Instead of going for expensive medications for your sports injuries, consider chiropractic care first. 

At ChiroConcepts of Allen, we aim at correcting the root cause of the problem to provide significant long-term health benefits. We’ll also create a personalized treatment plan to address all issues impeding top sports performance. 

For comprehensive sports injury treatment, schedule an appointment online or call us at (469) 305-0782.

Posted In: Chiropractic Sports Injury