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When Should I See ChiroConcepts of Allen for Sciatica?

Written By ChiroConcepts of Allen on September 26, 2022

runner with sciatica

You shouldn’t have to live with sciatica or the pain and discomfort it causes. Sciatica can disrupt your daily life in many ways, making it difficult to work, spend time with friends or family, enjoy your hobbies and interests, and even eat or sleep. Visiting a chiropractor in Allen for sciatica treatment can help you get back on your feet and living your life pain-free. Here is a helpful guide from ChiroConcepts of Allen to help you decide when you should visit a chiropractor for sciatica treatment.

Sciatica Symptoms Have Affected Your Mobility

The primary symptoms of sciatica are numbness or tingling that spreads from your lower back down one of your legs, pain in the lower back and legs, weakness in the legs, and an inability to sit or stand for long periods of time. If your sciatica symptoms have affected your mobility and you find it hard to walk, sit, stand, move around or have symptoms going down your legs, it’s time to visit ChiroConcepts of Allen for sciatica treatment to hopefully avoid surgery in the future.

You Can No Longer Work or Spend Time With Family

Sciatica is most often caused by a herniated disc, which is when one of the discs in your spine has become damaged and is compressing the sciatic nerve. If your sciatica symptoms have become so severe that you can’t live your normal life, you should visit our chiropractors for diagnosis and sciatica treatment.

Your Appetite and Sleep Are Disrupted

The pain and discomfort of sciatica symptoms can affect your ability to eat and sleep. This becomes dangerous if it isn’t addressed quickly. You should visit ChiroConcepts of Allen for evaluation if you have gone more than a few days without getting a good night’s sleep, and/or if your appetite has been affected.

How a Chiropractor Can Help

ChiroConcepts of Allen can identify the underlying cause of your sciatica, so it can be treated properly. We offer spinal decompression therapy and spinal manipulation to safely and gently realign the spine so the sciatic nerve is no longer being compressed. We also offer massage therapy, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications to get you back on your feet to resume your normal routine.

Find Sciatica Relief With ChiroConcepts of Allen

Our experienced chiropractors at ChiroConcepts of Allen can help you find relief from pain and uncomfortable sciatica symptoms through targeted, comprehensive chiropractic care. We have five convenient locations throughout North DFW, and we can evaluate the underlying cause of your sciatica in order to develop a personalized chiropractic treatment plan. We are committed to helping our patients live healthy, pain-free lives, and we can relieve your pain and symptoms and help you get back to your regular routine.

If you’re ready to learn more about our sciatica treatment options, call us or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Sciatica Treatment